import ' package:flutter/material.dart ' ;
import ' package:teso/util/SizeConfig.dart ' ;
class ProminentDisclosure extends StatefulWidget {
const ProminentDisclosure ( { Key ? key } ) : super ( key: key ) ;
@ override
_ProminentDisclosureState createState ( ) = > _ProminentDisclosureState ( ) ;
class _ProminentDisclosureState extends State < ProminentDisclosure > {
@ override
Widget build ( BuildContext context ) {
return Scaffold (
body: Container (
margin: EdgeInsets . only ( top: 40 ) ,
height: MediaQuery . of ( context ) . size . height ,
width: MediaQuery . of ( context ) . size . width ,
alignment: Alignment . center ,
child: Column (
children: [
Icon (
Icons . location_on_sharp ,
color: Colors . blue ,
size: 50 ,
) ,
SizedBox (
height: 10 ,
) ,
Text (
" Use your location " ,
style: TextStyle (
fontSize: SizeConfig . blockSizeHorizontal * 4 ,
fontWeight: FontWeight . w800 ,
) ,
) ,
Container (
padding: EdgeInsets . all (
SizeConfig . blockSizeHorizontal * 3 ,
) ,
child: Text (
" To get proximity coupons from shops, allow Teso App to access your location all the time " ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
style: TextStyle (
fontSize: SizeConfig . blockSizeHorizontal * 3.5 ,
fontWeight: FontWeight . w400 ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
Container (
padding: EdgeInsets . all (
SizeConfig . blockSizeHorizontal * 3 ,
) ,
child: Text (
" Teso App collects location data to enable Proximity Coupons feature to get you available coupons in your area even when the app is closed or not in use.” " ,
textAlign: TextAlign . center ,
style: TextStyle (
fontSize: SizeConfig . blockSizeHorizontal * 3.5 ,
fontWeight: FontWeight . w400 ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
Container (
width: SizeConfig . blockSizeHorizontal * 50 ,
height: SizeConfig . blockSizeHorizontal * 70 ,
child: Image (
image: AssetImage ( " assets/images/prominent-disclosure.jpg " ) ,
) ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
bottomNavigationBar: Padding (
padding: EdgeInsets . all (
SizeConfig . blockSizeHorizontal * 4 ,
) ,
child: Row (
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment . spaceBetween ,
children: [
TextButton (
onPressed: ( ) = > Navigator . pop ( context , false ) ,
child: Text (
" No Thanks " ,
style: TextStyle (
fontSize: SizeConfig . blockSizeHorizontal * 4.2 ,
fontWeight: FontWeight . w800 ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
TextButton (
onPressed: ( ) = > Navigator . pop ( context , true ) ,
child: Text (
" Turn on " ,
style: TextStyle (
fontSize: SizeConfig . blockSizeHorizontal * 4.2 ,
fontWeight: FontWeight . w800 ,
) ,
) ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
) ,
) ;