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301 lines
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3 years ago
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_ffmpeg/flutter_ffmpeg.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:teso/Pages/Sub_Pages/Campaign/Video/Trimmer/file_formats.dart';
import 'package:teso/Pages/Sub_Pages/Campaign/Video/Trimmer/storage_dir.dart';
import 'package:teso/Pages/Sub_Pages/Campaign/Video/Trimmer/trim_editor.dart';
import 'package:video_player/video_player.dart';
/// Helps in loading video from file, saving trimmed video to a file
/// and gives video playback controls. Some of the helpful methods
/// are:
/// * [loadVideo()]
/// * [saveTrimmedVideo()]
/// * [videPlaybackControl()]
class Trimmer {
static File currentVideoFile;
final FlutterFFmpeg _flutterFFmpeg = new FlutterFFmpeg();
/// Loads a video using the path provided.
/// Returns the loaded video file.
Future<void> loadVideo({@required File videoFile}) async {
currentVideoFile = videoFile;
if (currentVideoFile != null) {
videoPlayerController = VideoPlayerController.file(currentVideoFile);
await videoPlayerController.initialize().then((_) {
viewerHeight: 50,
viewerWidth: 50.0 * 8,
// currentVideoFile: currentVideoFile,
// TrimEditor(
// viewerHeight: 50,
// viewerWidth: 50.0 * 8,
// // currentVideoFile: currentVideoFile,
// );
Future<String> _createFolderInAppDocDir(
String folderName,
StorageDir storageDir,
) async {
Directory _directory;
if (storageDir == null) {
_directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
} else {
switch (storageDir.toString()) {
case 'temporaryDirectory':
_directory = await getTemporaryDirectory();
case 'applicationDocumentsDirectory':
_directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
case 'externalStorageDirectory':
_directory = await getExternalStorageDirectory();
// Directory + folder name
final Directory _directoryFolder =
if (await _directoryFolder.exists()) {
// If folder already exists return path
return _directoryFolder.path;
} else {
// If folder does not exists create folder and then return its path
final Directory _directoryNewFolder =
await _directoryFolder.create(recursive: true);
return _directoryNewFolder.path;
/// Saves the trimmed video to file system.
/// Returns the output video path
/// The required parameters are [startValue] & [endValue].
/// The optional parameters are [videoFolderName], [videoFileName],
/// [outputFormat], [fpsGIF], [scaleGIF], [applyVideoEncoding].
/// The `@required` parameter [startValue] is for providing a starting point
/// to the trimmed video. To be specified in `milliseconds`.
/// The `@required` parameter [endValue] is for providing an ending point
/// to the trimmed video. To be specified in `milliseconds`.
/// The parameter [videoFolderName] is used to
/// pass a folder name which will be used for creating a new
/// folder in the selected directory. The default value for
/// it is `Trimmer`.
/// The parameter [videoFileName] is used for giving
/// a new name to the trimmed video file. By default the
/// trimmed video is named as `<original_file_name>_trimmed.mp4`.
/// The parameter [outputFormat] is used for providing a
/// file format to the trimmed video. This only accepts value
/// of [FileFormat] type. By default it is set to `FileFormat.mp4`,
/// which is for `mp4` files.
/// The parameter [storageDir] can be used for providing a storage
/// location option. It accepts only [StorageDir] values. By default
/// it is set to [applicationDocumentsDirectory]. Some of the
/// storage types are:
/// * [temporaryDirectory] (Only accessible from inside the app, can be
/// cleared at anytime)
/// * [applicationDocumentsDirectory] (Only accessible from inside the app)
/// * [externalStorageDirectory] (Supports only `Android`, accessible externally)
/// The parameters [fpsGIF] & [scaleGIF] are used only if the
/// selected output format is `FileFormat.gif`.
/// * [fpsGIF] for providing a FPS value (by default it is set
/// to `10`)
/// * [scaleGIF] for proving a width to output GIF, the height
/// is selected by maintaining the aspect ratio automatically (by
/// default it is set to `480`)
/// * [applyVideoEncoding] for specifying whether to apply video
/// encoding (by default it is set to `false`).
/// If you want to give custom `FFmpeg` command, then define
/// [ffmpegCommand] & [customVideoFormat] strings. The `input path`,
/// `output path`, `start` and `end` position is already define.
/// NOTE: The advanced option does not provide any safety check, so if wrong
/// video format is passed in [customVideoFormat], then the app may
/// crash.
Future<String> saveTrimmedVideo({
@required double startValue,
@required double endValue,
bool applyVideoEncoding = false,
FileFormat outputFormat,
String ffmpegCommand,
String customVideoFormat,
int fpsGIF,
int scaleGIF,
String videoFolderName,
String videoFileName,
StorageDir storageDir,
}) async {
final String _videoPath = currentVideoFile.path;
final String _videoName = basename(_videoPath).split('.')[0];
String _command;
// Formatting Date and Time
String dateTime = DateFormat.yMMMd()
// String _resultString;
String _outputPath;
String _outputFormatString;
String formattedDateTime = dateTime.replaceAll(' ', '');
print("DateTime: $dateTime");
print("Formatted: $formattedDateTime");
if (videoFolderName == null) {
videoFolderName = "Trimmer";
if (videoFileName == null) {
videoFileName = "${_videoName}_trimmed:$formattedDateTime";
videoFileName = videoFileName.replaceAll(' ', '_');
String path = await _createFolderInAppDocDir(
() => print("Retrieved Trimmer folder"),
Duration startPoint = Duration(milliseconds: startValue.toInt());
Duration endPoint = Duration(milliseconds: endValue.toInt());
// Checking the start and end point strings
print("Start: ${startPoint.toString()} & End: ${endPoint.toString()}");
if (outputFormat == null) {
if (Platform.isIOS) {
outputFormat = FileFormat.mp4;
} else {
outputFormat = FileFormat.mkv;
_outputFormatString = outputFormat.toString();
print('OUTPUT: $_outputFormatString');
} else {
_outputFormatString = outputFormat.toString();
String _trimLengthCommand =
' -ss $startPoint -i "$_videoPath" -t ${endPoint - startPoint} -avoid_negative_ts make_zero ';
if (ffmpegCommand == null) {
_command = '$_trimLengthCommand -c:a copy ';
if (!applyVideoEncoding) {
_command += '-c:v copy ';
if (outputFormat == FileFormat.gif) {
if (fpsGIF == null) {
fpsGIF = 10;
if (scaleGIF == null) {
scaleGIF = 480;
_command =
'$_trimLengthCommand -vf "fps=$fpsGIF,scale=$scaleGIF:-1:flags=lanczos,split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen[p];[s1][p]paletteuse" -loop 0 ';
} else {
_command = '$_trimLengthCommand $ffmpegCommand ';
_outputFormatString = customVideoFormat;
_outputPath = '$path$videoFileName$_outputFormatString';
_command += '"$_outputPath"';
await _flutterFFmpeg.execute(_command).whenComplete(() {
print('Got value');
debugPrint('Video successfuly saved');
// _resultString = 'Video successfuly saved';
}).catchError((error) {
// _resultString = 'Couldn\'t save the video';
debugPrint('Couldn\'t save the video');
return _outputPath;
/// For getting the video controller state, to know whether the
/// video is playing or paused currently.
/// The two required parameters are [startValue] & [endValue]
/// * [startValue] is the current starting point of the video.
/// * [endValue] is the current ending point of the video.
/// Returns a `Future<bool>`, if `true` then video is playing
/// otherwise paused.
Future<bool> videPlaybackControl({
@required double startValue,
@required double endValue,
}) async {
if (videoPlayerController.value.isPlaying) {
await videoPlayerController.pause();
return false;
} else {
if (videoPlayerController.value.position.inMilliseconds >=
endValue.toInt()) {
await videoPlayerController
.seekTo(Duration(milliseconds: startValue.toInt()));
return true;
} else {
return true;
File getVideoFile() {
return currentVideoFile;