using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer ;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore ;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens ;
using Microsoft.OpenApi.Models ;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization ;
using System.Text ;
using Biskilog_Accounting.Server ;
using Biskilog_Accounting.ServiceRepo ;
using Biskilog_Accounting.Shared.Interfaces ;
using Biskilog_Accounting.Server.Services ;
using Biskilog_Accounting.Server.POSModels ;
var builder = WebApplication . CreateBuilder ( args ) ;
// Add services to the container.
builder . Services . AddControllers ( ) . AddJsonOptions ( x = > x . JsonSerializerOptions . ReferenceHandler = ReferenceHandler . IgnoreCycles ) ;
builder . Services . AddAutoMapper ( AppDomain . CurrentDomain . GetAssemblies ( ) ) ;
builder . Logging . ClearProviders ( ) ;
builder . Logging . AddConsole ( ) ;
builder . Services . AddEntityFrameworkMySql ( ) . AddDbContext < BiskilogContext > ( options = >
options . UseMySql ( builder . Configuration . GetConnectionString ( "Connection" ) , new MariaDbServerVersion ( new Version ( ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
builder . Services . AddSingleton < IHttpContextAccessor , HttpContextAccessor > ( ) ;
builder . Services . AddDbContext < BiskAcdbContext > ( ) ;
builder . Services . AddScoped < ICompanyInfo , CompanyService > ( ) ;
builder . Services . AddScoped < IAuthService , AuthenticationService > ( ) ;
builder . Services . AddScoped < ITokenService , TokenService > ( ) ;
builder . Services . AddScoped < IConnectionService , ConnectionService > ( ) ;
builder . Services . AddScoped < IAnalytics , AnalyticalService > ( ) ;
builder . Services . AddScoped < IProduct , ProductRepo > ( ) ;
builder . Services . AddScoped < ISalesInterface , SalesService > ( ) ;
builder . Services . AddScoped < IUser , UserService > ( ) ;
builder . Services . AddScoped < ICustomer , CustomerService > ( ) ;
builder . Services . AddCors ( options = >
options . AddPolicy ( "CorsPolicy" ,
builder = > builder . AllowAnyOrigin ( )
. AllowAnyMethod ( )
. AllowAnyHeader ( )
) ;
} ) ;
builder . Services . AddAuthentication ( JwtBearerDefaults . AuthenticationScheme ) . AddJwtBearer ( options = >
options . RequireHttpsMetadata = false ;
options . SaveToken = true ;
options . TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters ( )
ValidateIssuer = true ,
ValidateAudience = true ,
ValidAudience = builder . Configuration [ "Jwt:Audience" ] ,
ValidIssuer = builder . Configuration [ "Jwt:Issuer" ] ,
IssuerSigningKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey ( Encoding . UTF8 . GetBytes ( builder . Configuration [ "Jwt:Key" ] ) )
} ;
} ) ;
builder . Services . AddEndpointsApiExplorer ( ) ;
builder . Services . AddSwaggerGen ( c = >
c . SwaggerDoc ( "v1" , new OpenApiInfo { Title = "MyBlazor" , Version = "v1" } ) ;
c . AddSecurityDefinition ( "Bearer" , new OpenApiSecurityScheme
In = ParameterLocation . Header ,
Description = "Please enter a valid token" ,
Name = "Authorization" ,
Type = SecuritySchemeType . Http ,
BearerFormat = "JWT" ,
Scheme = "Bearer"
} ) ;
c . AddSecurityRequirement ( new OpenApiSecurityRequirement
new OpenApiSecurityScheme
Reference = new OpenApiReference
Type = ReferenceType . SecurityScheme ,
Id = "Bearer"
} ,
new string [ ] { }
} ) ;
} ) ;
builder . Services . AddControllersWithViews ( ) ;
builder . Services . AddRazorPages ( ) ;
var app = builder . Build ( ) ;
// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.
if ( app . Environment . IsDevelopment ( ) )
app . UseWebAssemblyDebugging ( ) ;
app . UseSwagger ( ) ;
app . UseSwaggerUI ( c = >
c . SwaggerEndpoint ( "/swagger/v1/swagger.json" , "MyBlazor v1" ) ;
c . RoutePrefix = "api/docs" ;
} ) ;
app . UseExceptionHandler ( "/Error" ) ;
// The default HSTS value is 30 days. You may want to change this for production scenarios, see
app . UseHsts ( ) ;
app . UseHttpsRedirection ( ) ;
app . UseBlazorFrameworkFiles ( ) ;
app . UseStaticFiles ( ) ;
app . UseRouting ( ) ;
app . UseCors ( "CorsPolicy" ) ;
app . UseAuthentication ( ) ;
app . UseAuthorization ( ) ;
app . MapRazorPages ( ) ;
app . MapControllers ( ) ;
app . MapFallbackToFile ( "index.html" ) ;
app . Run ( ) ;